Ten  Energy-Boosting  Superfoods

Right  4  Your  Type

This information was taken from one of the articles at www.dadamo.com website.

Ten Energy-Boosting Superfoods
Right 4 Your Type


Ever feel like your get-up-and-go got up and went? Dr. D’Adamo’s new book Fatigue features individualized plans and strategies for preventing and treating the conditions that cause fatigue. Especially helpful are the new super-beneficial food lists for each blood type for boosting energy.



Why Do I Feel So Tired All the Time?


“The chemistry of blood type continues to provide clues to the biological and genetic mechanisms that control health and disease," writes Dr. D’Adamo.

“Blood Type O’s predisposition to autoimmune thyroid disease – especially hypothyroidism (under production or under utilization of thyroid hormones) – is a primary factor in fatigue.

Blood Type A is most vulnerable to immune system depletion and one underlying cause is low glutathione levels. Glutathione is the major antioxidant produced inside the cells to protect them from the destructive effects of free radicals.

Blood Type B tends to be susceptible to viral infections, including the viruses that produce autoimmune conditions that cause fatigue.

Type AB’s, possessing both the A and B antigens, can be compared to having two standing guard at the same gate – this heightens AB’s vulnerability to autoimmune conditions.”



Other Factors


Nutrient deficiency may also contribute to feelings of fatigue; we’ll discuss supplementation below. You can look up the nutrient values of foods on the Typebase4 at www.dadamo.com. It’s fascinating to see how the nutrient values change in the same foods based on how they are prepared or processed.


Top Energy Foods for Type O

    1. Lean, organic, grass fed red meat

    2. Richly oiled cold-water fish (particularly halibut and cod)

    3. Olive Oil

    4. Walnuts

    5. Seaweed

    6. Spinach, collards, kale

    7. Garlic

    8. Berries (particularly blueberries and elderberries)

    9. Ginger

    10. Green Tea

Top Energy Foods for Type A

    1. Soy based foods

    2. Richly oiled cold-water fish (particularly salmon and sardines)

    3. Olive Oil

    4. Walnuts

    5. Dark leafy greens (particularly spinach, kale and Swiss chard)

    6. Garlic

    7. Onion

    8. Berries (particularly blueberries and elderberries)

    9. Ginger

    10. Green Tea


Top Energy Foods for Type B

    1. Lean, organic, grass fed lamb or mutton

    2. Richly oiled cold-water fish (particularly halibut and sardines)

    3. Cultured dairy (yogurt, kefir)

    4. Olive Oil

    5. Walnuts

    6. Maitake/shiitake mushrooms

    7. Onion

    8. Berries (cranberry, elderberries)

    9. Watermelon

    10. Green Tea


Top Energy Foods for Type AB

    1. Soy beans and soy based products

    2. Richly oiled cold-water fish (salmon and sardines)

    3. Cultured dairy (yogurt and keifer)

    4. Olive Oil

    5. Essene bread

    6. Maitake mushroom

    7. Broccoli

    8. Cranberries

    9. Garlic

    10. Green Tea


Fatigue Fighting-Energy Boosting Tips:


Sleep – This seems like common sense, but getting enough sleep is not so easy for some people.   Dr. D’Adamo suggests setting up a regular sleep schedule, going to bed around the same time and waking at about the same time every morning, even on weekends. 


Exercise: Regular blood type appropriate exercise, three to four times a week, for at least thirty minutes each time, helps to increase energy levels. Exercise may make you feel tired initially if you have not exercised or do not exercise regularly, but your body will adjust and feel more invigorated.


Meditate – One of the benefits reported by people who meditate regularly is increased energy levels.  Improved quality of sleep and heightened concentration rank up there, too. Meditation is usually performed for ten to twenty minutes once or twice a day, and is easy to learn. There are a variety of books and tapes that provide meditation instruction.


Light – With the spring season upon us, this one is easy.  Open your shades to take advantage of the natural light or take a walk outdoors at lunchtime.  Sunlight stimulates your body’s natural energy centers.


Water – Drink up!  You may be slightly dehydrated.  A tall glass of cold water will invigorate your body and keep you hydrated and healthy.


Stress – Stress takes a huge toll on your body.  Dr. D’Adamo recommends the yoga technique of Alternate Nostril Breathing. “Alternate nostril breathing just requires that you close one nostril with the finger, breath in with the open nostril, change positions, and breathe out with the other. Do this 15-20 times, and then reverse the procedure. Studies have shown this to be valuable in balancing out the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, an important cause of panic type attacks.”



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